Sean Vranizan Studios | Freelance & In-House Graphic Design

Strick Technologies

Strick Technologies

Client: Strick Technologies | Services: Brand Identity, Logo Design, Presentation Design

Strick Logo2@4x-100.jpg

I led the design to develop the an icon set, presentation deck, and company logo for future use. Thematically the client and I explored electricity as a symbol to best represent the company’s services and overarching mission. Below you can see how my concept evolved in the initial designing process:

strick tech.png

Through the development of a star-like symbol and housing it within a hexagon, the results show the graceful control of seemingly wild elements:

Strick Tech. copy 3.png

I also led the design of a presentation deck for company use:

Artboard 1a@300x.png
Artboard 1 copy.png
Artboard 1 copy 2.png
Artboard 1 copy 3.png
Artboard 1 copy 4.png

Multiple color options were provided so as to translate well on multiple surfaces, be it on a sticker or featured on the side of a work truck:

Artboard 1@300x.png